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​An academy that focuses on the holistic development of students through a broad curriculum with the inclusion of extracurricular activities within the overall program.


Click on the link below to go

Escalante Academy's home page where you can find more information

Currently, these are the lessons being offered

- Classical Guitar

- Piano

- Music Theory

- SEA, CXC, GCSE, Home Schooling Mathematics

- SEA Language Arts

See the link below for the various packages being offered

Seth Escalante is an educator from Trinidad and Tobago and the director of Escalante Academy.


Seth is currently the Classical Guitar Lecturer at the University of the Southern Caribbean {USC] and the Project Coordinator under the Ministry of Education for the Primary School Music Programme.


Teaching tertiary, secondary and primary curricula for over 15 years, Seth has developed a style of teaching where he is able to target at-risk students using music to enhance their overall educational development. He frequently uses music education not just as a means of achieving a holistic education, but as a subject to teach cross-curriculum, especially in mathematics, emotional development as well as positive reinforcement for students with intellectual disabilities.... (continue reading from the link below)

© 2023 Seth Escalante All Rights Reserved

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