Title: "The Impact of Learning Management Systems (LMS) on Primary Education in Developing Countries"
Alayli, M., & Al-Qudah, J. (2016). The Impact of Learning Management Systems (LMS) on Primary Education in Developing Countries. [Publication online] In M. Alayli (Ed.), Learning Management Systems (LMS) Inside Matters (pp. 147-172). ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285762359_Learning_Management_Systems_LMS_Inside_Matters
Why this link is interesting:
This research article directly addresses the use of LMS in primary education within developing countries. While Trinidad and Tobago is a middle-income country, some of the challenges and opportunities discussed in this article would be relevant to my research context.
This article explores the potential benefits of LMS for primary education, such as improved access to learning materials, personalized learning experiences, and enhanced communication between teachers and parents. It highlights some challenges associated with LMS implementation in developing countries, including teacher training needs, infrastructure limitations, and student access to technology.
It offers recommendations for successful LMS implementation, such as focusing on user-friendly interfaces, providing adequate teacher training, and addressing equity concerns.